Yamchas rpg
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Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Evil Buu Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:52 pm

Buu landed in a rocky wasteland he looked around wondering if there was anyone worth his skills on this pathetic planet. Buu looked up in the sky and he closed his eyes and he began to drift into a deep sleep as he waited for an unsuspecting inhabitant to fly by.

OOC: For those who have never rp spared with me before i have a few ground rules.
1) up to five attacks per post
2) No godmodding
3)no one liners
4) have fun and do your best
Evil Buu
Evil Buu

Posts : 29
Join date : 2008-07-11
Age : 30
Location : United States

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Cooler Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:58 pm

Cooler was just taking a break from his daily training practices and decided to go sight seeing since he hadn't wandered much up until now and was really interested in what this planet had to offer.As he was flying he sensed a power rather close to his location....and a really power full one at that....so he decided to investigate.
He powered up and dashed towards the power and full speed,wondering who had such power on this planet....since most of the earthling were pathetic.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2008-07-09

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Evil Buu Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:02 pm

Buu was sleeping in peace a snot bubble coming from his nose and then it pop as buu woke up and he sensed the power that seemed greater than any human. Buu grinned as he flew towards the power knowing the power was inferior to his own.
Evil Buu
Evil Buu

Posts : 29
Join date : 2008-07-11
Age : 30
Location : United States

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Yamcha Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:04 pm

Meanwhile Yamcha was having a fun day of playing baseball, he didn't really like it just when the opposing team wanted to fight. He was about to take his swing, day dreaming the ball hit him in the forehead tho he didnt seem to notice. His eye's glazed over as a woman cheering him on from the side line while jumping up and down had an impressive rack. Suddenly he senced two great power levels moving towards eachother, he dropped the bat and powered up. Launching into the air, leaving the crowd in aur and a huge crator in the pitch.

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Cooler Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:53 am

Meanwhile as Cooler was heading towards the power he had sensed earlier,another one suddenly came to life....heading on an intersecting course with him and the other huge power...it seemed that who ever was the third fighter he wanted to take on both of us....which was really stupid or really brave of him....Cooler couldn't tell yet he would decided that when he saw the third fighter.
As they were all flying at full speed towards each other,Cooler started to see 2 figures in the distance and knew that those were his next opponents.Deciding to let them choose how the fight started he landed on the ground and just stood cross legged and started to meditate till the others arrived,keeping his senses at full alert in case one of them thought to use a sneak attack on him.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2008-07-09

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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Evil Buu Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:48 pm

Buu noticed that a new fighter with a power greater than his was heading his way, Buu turned toward the direction of the power and he began to laugh wildly. Buu then looked down on the weaker power and he decided he would toy with him until the other more powerful fighter arrived.

Buu flew down to the ground and landed on his feet his arms hung at his sides as he cocked his head to the right and he looked at the strange creature that was before him. Buu began to advance on the creature as his pink aura flashed around his body and began to flow like wild fire, for Buu was ready for combat.
Evil Buu
Evil Buu

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Age : 30
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Buu V anyone (Rp spar) Empty Re: Buu V anyone (Rp spar)

Post  Yamcha Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:17 pm

Yamcha senced the two increasing power levels, he looked down spotting them and decided to land. He stopped atop a large building looking down from the roof. From a birds eye veiw he saw them both, lowering his power level (which humans could do) to make sure they didn't know his location. He awaited to see weather these two were friendly? or weather some unsuspecting female had an open cut top on, he wouldnt mind a birds eye veiw of those puppys.

Posts : 124
Join date : 2008-06-23
Location : Earth

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